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Handouts & Quick References

When we upgrade a major application that all staff depend on heavily, or when we introduce a new major application, I generally write a handout for the staff. I try to boil the information down to include only what they will need. This helps them get a much faster start on their learning curve. In the case of new apps, having a handout often helps users overcome technology shyness and give it a try.

When viewing the Acrobat files below, give them a minute to finish redrawing. They contain special fonts which can take several seconds to finish rendering.

Migration to Word (Acrobat; 57 KB) A handout to ease the transition from WordPerfect 6.1 to Word 97.
Word Shortcuts (Acrobat; 68 KB) Keyboard and mouse shortcuts for common tasks in Word.
Migration to GroupWise 5.5 (Acrobat; 43 KB) A handout to help H&A users with the email system upgrade from GroupWise 4.1 to 5.5.
Migration from Exchange/Outlook to GroupWise (Acrobat; 21 KB) A handout to help InterVoice users get started when they'd just been migrated from Exchange (Outlook, as far as they were concerned) to GroupWise.

Copyright © 2002 Lisa Nelson. Last Modified: 3 March 2004 Back to Top