Apps I've Written
I am not a full-time programmer, nor do I play one on TV; but at H&A, I wrote several apps and utilities for the company's use, and continued this glorious tradition at InterVoice. I end up writing an app when a need is identified, for which there is no commercial solution. Often it is me who identifies the need; I think a lot about how the staff do things, and try to make their lives easier.
Below are links to descriptions of a couple of the major apps I've written.
Here are brief descriptions of other apps I have written, about which I plan to post more information later:
- ACE (Annual Compensation Evaluation): A specialised tool that greatly simplifies the process of evaluating staff salary increases. ACE has been in use for six years straight.
- Lab On-Line: A complex and comprehensive database for the H&A lab. It tracks all sample deliveries and dispositions, as well as test assignments and results, and provides highly flexible reporting options.
- GraphicTraffic: A tracking database for the H&A Graphics department. Tracks AutoCAD drawings and revision histories.
- FTF (Find Those Files): Used by H&A staff to determine the location of project files, reports, etc among the millions of pages of documents that the company keeps around. Also used by the library staff to track those files.
- Address Book Exporter and Importer: When H&A migrated from GroupWise to Exchange, I wrote utilities for exporting users' GroupWise address books, and then importing them into Outlook.